I have been to China to attend RCEM (River, Coast and Estuary Morphology) symposium at Beijing.
Tsinghua University is a huge university. It is the biggest university I have ever visited.
After the opening ceremony and lunch,
I gave a presentation on numerical computation at river confluences using iRIC. It was a good chance to advertise the iRIC version 2.0.
After my presentation, a French guy came to talk to me. He is a developer of famous software TELEMAC, and he wants to be involved into iRIC group.
At the reception, I enjoyed talking with my old friends and Chinese students.
Tsinghua University is a huge university. It is the biggest university I have ever visited.
After the opening ceremony and lunch,
I gave a presentation on numerical computation at river confluences using iRIC. It was a good chance to advertise the iRIC version 2.0.
After my presentation, a French guy came to talk to me. He is a developer of famous software TELEMAC, and he wants to be involved into iRIC group.
At the reception, I enjoyed talking with my old friends and Chinese students.
Picture really seems good...I like it, and its good news that someone want to involved in iRIC